04/05/1954-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 5, 1954 The City Council met in regular session on the above date at the City Office. Those presents were Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Spratt, Johnson, Cooper, and Acker® Guest of severalKXK K engine compamys were present, and Mr. Elliot® Bids were submitted by five Engine Companyl tot he council Igor there consideration. Bids are on file in the City Office® Discussion was given by each representive of each company submitting a bid. Council was to look over the bids and decide which engine they might buy. Mr Elliot, city's engineer for this job, was to study the bids and make his recomendation to the council in the next day or two® Companies submitting bids vwre as follows® Enterprise, Stewart & Stevenson, Cooper®Bessemer, The National Supply, and Fairbanks & Morse® companies® The monthly bills totaling y 1,803.88 were read and discussed• A motion by'•Cboper and secondedeby Acker to pay the bills® Motion carried. Acker- made a motion to match the funds and install some play ground equipment on kids® The council was have a committee to of the Kellog Foundation in securing these was seconded by Johnson, motion carried® o.f the Kellog Foundation the fpark f or the work with the committe equipment® Motion A. motion by Johnson to buy a Bionetic Chemical to put into Bess pool to start the b acterier to working to keep the cess pool clean and working properly. This motion was seconded by Cooper, motion carried. The agreement with the Sanger Gin Co. or Kimbell & Co. was for Kimbell to pay flat rate of !Fl.00 per horse power for each month of the year for each year. The council decided to have or ask up a new set of books for the,. c%ty in roquirements of the Bond companies. Mr. Sa.ylors about setting accordance vrith the No further business meeting ajourned. x