04/08/1954-CC-Minutes-Special The City Gounci.l, met in 'q. c al.l. sess W1 on on the n.bovn d.a.te 91, th.e City Off .cs Tbose prnsents a2Terr IkIlayor Ba _1.ey Councll.nion Sprr ttlj Cooper, Ackc.r 7ohaa.scata.,, And. the a.r.,ta IT, en/ lnee.r, for the, City Fire I,111ote The tr.ibu.l..atTon.s for the bl_ds t.h.a.t, were subm,ttr-;d by several., onf--)I.n.e corapa.la .es were read and stazdy.ed, by the coun.c ..l. vvr. th the help of 1T:,1_l., \gra oto D.J,scu,ssion was rl'.ven by Tire Conners of Co. Mve Cr:l f I n, of the T{,nterpr.ise Co. anal, Mre Mnnn .nn of. General. Motors 'T'h.e Council %nok n.o a.ct:%on on pa rrhasan. a,ta en ,a.nc a.t the s t7me no further meet in€> was sched.aal.er To faari;h.er. ba,is.ness meel,inF ad,'journ.ede `]'he C-a ty Coaancl„ m.et i.n. a c2h, l1 .. a.t thr; Caty O.ff7.r,e at 1..LOW Ae Moa (Iayor Bailey, Counc :.Imen, Acker, Tohnson4 _th. Mr® Ponnebaker a, s a.n.d. qu.a.1 if i cat J.on.s of engines, DiscussionDiscussion 1Tr was 4_i_ven types of en 3_nes and. the A ria.ota.on by l'c: ry ro ad,journ. ara.d have 1, 3 1, 1 I., I i ( i ny or . r -, `'ecretary