04/10/1954-CC-Minutes-Special Phe C-it;y Cotanci.l. rn.ot .n ra cr l, session. on. i,l .c; above cl.a,te R1, 1,he C. %ty ( ff.ce r Those prc;senLs .r„ror. e I i, yo.r_ l aal.c § Cotanc .l.naen. Sprratt Coopers rl. er Johra.son erry- g / n.d. tl .o act n ; en(;?_neer .frzr tb.e C_fy I ir 1l.l..a.ot The i tbu. l at .on.s r"or t}. ae b.i-cls i;b. .i, Caere sta.bm.a t t,ec7 by se. ,erra.7„ end;_%ne corn.para.es rNerr--, re .d anal. staz ;ec3, by the cottn.c _1_ ter. tl . t1 ae rae7_p off' r 111.1..ot® Ta,sca7ss_on. t r r.s .cren b Mrr Co_rzz t.ers oi' T{ . °r, laaa l4s forse Cray 1t7a ® Gr:e f f.n. o' i be T+ n e.r r ,se Coy n.d Mrr Mann7.n ; or G ene ral. > oi;oi °s The Cotanc7,l too : no ra.c1:,: .oz on. p.r rcb .s n , a,z . ez . ',7no a. i; tlr7_ s t .-rno rao .fu.r, ;1 rer rrr.eet ir11 a as scltedta1_ec . No ft.a i;h.er btis.ness z17.eel;7nf3, adaJoalrned. I i y oa .. , Y Tate Ca ty Cotan.cl, zatc;t .n a. c sl ses :,orz on the above d .te at thc C i ty Off`i.r.c; a.t 1,1. CC / Nip Those presents here I ayorr T3a i. ,rey Cotaz a.c;r,l,mert I;MS.err d pra.tt i'er..ry Cooper an c . rTohnson. Trr'..th 1' ir T'ennebaker as ;l.a.est spea.kerr on the type and. c u.a7_ ,f-a-cat .on.s of en r;_n.es® :(").sc:t ss -on a .r<ts :i.vezl. by the cotanc.7.l .bota.t da_fCerren types off' en. ;a_nes anal t3 .e pry ce of. tka.ese en. ;inesA Cooper' !1 ziant ,on by Terry to adjourn art.d h.a.ve 1. `3 , 1. z, ara.c . seconded. by for the rnee-V,;,n ; a ca.7..1_ rra.er t n ; Tta.esda r N. b.i 9 ,A r l, (, 'ecrei-nrz W -