04/13/1954-CC-Minutes-Speciall'1'1r-) Co1?nc i 1 me i n ? c, 11 se s on at f,he City 0) i' .ce on t bo lbnvn d_a ,0, Tl")or e preser!i, t,,repe Iillia.-yor Bnll.ery, Coi;inc l.rner) Cooper, AolYer„ ;end. John.sonn T'n _rW 2,jicics Pllorse reps.Oseni 4 i,Tvp fsvr n rt)n cl,nt,rn. on 1)1.,C; e n{7.ne t,o tbc c rn nc)_l, rir)rt_ 1_so General, I' lotors rel: resent,i ,t,`l. jc ,. f,oer. nra se of r (nrnd to bti.y the Ct t,.v 1poln' ()1) rklirxel)ry Vapor Lamps compl et e rand iic on 11.11 pcirts, t bat II -re now ')log iI 9. 1)1.e at t;he nTrint, on the n:et,r en",t)no 'rind tlel..s )41.1.1 c,orrie OC of' the r)r'.i0 e nt tb0 et`CPTl.c 1.so it ey ,i'i1.1 nt)t a new eni ;ne hr, r.d. .n iOTI.th the pttrchrlse of bt o cnrr, nc> ni; no cost, to t hc; C'_t,y Are Lhe a che;ck Tor 11I;,1 000000 'rr the nl.d pi rl L I.P Pr,Mug fviorse er)p1 n.e tbapi !,ri 1.1b i enln rnd town tho plan. It l'be 1.80 Up 11)1 1 .n.P, The r.nnfract, vj 1.1. be si r-)med ns bld loins a n sIlbml,tted 1 err, any prtr t;s that we, do ) of neecl for t ),s ne),f I"lot °i or) b,;r cl-rer o }au i the 11 n. i r--,rnr 1 se pt.tel. Ft)e1 ni ne ri s per b .d incl crated., Johnson. seconded the itot-I an. Mot' on 9 new c el.ln c ].Trile r) for C r il1 l.n nS No rurthe bus.1 nesc~ mehl ti_n7); r)d,journed. ay or