05/03/1954-CC-Minutes-Regularlate, Those presents were.a Acting Mayor Acker, Councilmen The City Uouncil met in a regular session on the above revious meeting were read and approved. the oune it rr et ix U grope and went over to see mr® Bailey, Mayor who is in the Flow memorial hospital. The monthly bills were read, totaling $5p224®95, and discussed and a. motion by Cooper and secord ed by Johnson to pay the bills® Motion carried® lervice Plumbing Co. of Fort Worthhad the lowest price of 66.16 per hundred feet, A motion by Cooper and a second )y Perry to buy 450 feet of peipe from Service plumbing Co 4otion Carried. tower xll new lumber on the Water Cooling )r covers over the settling tank at the plant. This bid Lneluded using #1 Cypress including labor rv, including e $1,594,35, ind see what they would rework cooling tower and settling ta 3uggestions was given to contact some of the other carpenter Tas for City employees to go by the rules and regulations hat were set up about failure toutilities. No furher business meeting a,d journed® f 6ing ayo