06/07/1954-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council mete. in regular session on the above date at the City Office. Those present were Mayor Bailey. ounc ilnaen Ackor, Poway, J ohusn r, and Cooper. 0 0 daor xi et wltka ikio courJ.c l Cot 0t\iJ,16 thorn to rriove the Mercury vapor lamp from his North east Cora erg as It created so many bugs at his home. The council a cured hire they wuuld move the lamp from in, front of his house® T1 e monthly 1 illa we:r o read total irrC) 91 rrlotion by Perry and seconded by Acker to pay the bills, notion carried® rr oti.or by 1 c e :f o ' ;t o pla. at orrrpioy e to xra. o oat daily log showing the number of houxis each engine rr oa on diesel fuel each day and to hand it in to the secretary each Dion'th Motion seconded by Coops r arrd motion passed, Cou cii. ir atructed th.e ecretax, . to calf„ McTioraa.2,d Go® and see if and when the pump for the now water well Is to he here and if not delivered by the 15th of June 1954 to cancell the zRxdL order with them and get another pump from someone blse who can deliver the purrrp. 1Jiscussion. was given ors. the c,ond:itiora of the settling ta1arld watery c® 13nB tower at the pla.:ot® The aecrota.ry was given permission to have the air conditioner In the office moved to a move effective place in the office so,aB to get the full benefit out of the air conditi. er, No further business me ting adjourned. 1 0 Mayor