07/06/1954-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 6,o 1.9511. The City 0ouncil metin regular session at the City Office on the above date® Those presents w4.re J."layor Bailey, Cuncilt:rier Cooper, Johnson, Acker, and Spratt, 'the monthly balks totaling pe, SL l, (LIwas read and a motion. by Cooper and seconded by Johnson to pay the balls, Motion Carr l,ed, Discussion was givers on some fan's for the plant to pull the hot air out of the plant® A woti_on by Coopeal for the City to buy four (4) falls 48" if they would fit in the window at r4he top of the building® Motion seconded by ,Acker® Motion carried® Secretary was inf: r ed to have C;li ' "o r , :r3al.er tc order Cypress wood to rebuild the cool.Lng tower mQd repairs the top of the under ground taiak® This bid was subrnatted by Clafford. to rebuild the cooling tower and furnish the wood, for j)1,594.35® Food costing 1,11{1 :35, and labor fi1 50,00. 7ascussior eras give on po.ttang eryone a. rneter on his louse, Including Councilmen, Mayor, and all eirzplc)yees, This wa.s put off until next meeting night, Acker wade a. raotlo: ® pay the e: tra man at tk e plant ,tvl,OG per hours work and. to gave' each regular employee at the plant one day a. week off from work. Johnson. seconded the motion.® Motl_on Carried, .Acker rnad.e a r otior to hale Carr, 'atis for l5 days a month aty100e00 per month 'to take care of t;he streets, ditches, and all work that he could do in the way of hauling gravel, and running the maintainer. Johnson sedonded the mot] on. Motion carried® m h.e secretary was to wrltn Mr, TT, 1A® l urkholder aiaout the man.ey i'or the deed to tia.e part of_' the: strer;t that new storage tank, wore build on. Also to write Enterprise ngino Co, about taking the Gas P 'Jeter back that was seat wlth the en.glna, as the City has no use ODr than meter, as the Gas Co® will furnish the meter at no charge totb_e City. N o further bus ;_Hess m.cetln.g adjourned.