08/02/1954-CC-Minutes-Regular.ta.gta,st f', :l, 9ct ` he City Cotinci.l Met in regular Session at the City (iffice on the above. date® Those pre 7onts were 's.ctirrt; NI:€i,, or Acker, Councll-ti),ent Spra"Gt, Cooper,, Johnson, Perry, th guest Frarft Jameson, and Mr. Ponnobaker. Mr. pennebaker gave a d1h9ctassion on the situatioyl of operate3erxg the errgIr :ryes at the plant. Mr. f en.neba:tc er is goiang to take the employees to dirxner and after d In he i.s bri.ng:LM tb.e employees to the City office and give therm a lecture on safety at the plant anti. on electricity. This W.11 be expense, taken care of by the City. la. rmot7 on by Spratt sraci secoa. ded. by Johrxsorx ata.t} or'i irxg Svlr. Pennebaker to see, about getting, new heat exchangers for the. big Er)terprlse ng:f. o at th.e plai t as t>h9 old heat exchanger h.avo worry outo Motlorr carilled.. Councilmen Johnson and SPr'att was appointed to take charge of the plant and see that; the plant is kept Clean a.nd run properly. Mr. t'entrekaaker a,s to fu.rn.. sh the Ceaty i iath. a, rret log sheet that: will be pu,t into mffect at the plant. 'I'hIs log sheet will have more Inforrmatiaon on It. :(. ir. Jaar.eson. gage a.noLher talk orx the i_nsuraar,. ce plan that he presebted to the counai l last .meet tng night® The counri l will ara.thorizo the secretary to pay half of 'the, premiums of this hospital plan for he City, and the, emp. oyge will pay the nemai.ning part. Th.e CItyo s par t w'll be .. p1.5Ci for each of the employees. The rmonLhly hill's toi a7_i:rxg 139") teas read arid. a rmotiYon. by Coop era axed seconded by ferry to [ara.y th.e bills, motion carried. Tl r.ere :i.11 be a call. meet,i_ng Wednesday Ni~gh.t at 1 .' 0.M® too go o rer th.e tax renctiai ons .fo_r this Sret,r l d,. A inoUon by Cooper seconded. by Johnson for the BeerotEr.ry to buy a wamor meter for -the School, footbtall '0161di, tdt.xich is unrmetered. .Motion Carried. N o A '4 X further busi,ne, ss rmeet ixrg ad,jou.rned®