09/07/1954-CC-Minutes-RegularfT>tc-mbeFr,j 7., 1.951_1, rl'ii-o Cv. ty ouiiel"t iilet In remil..,ir session- on th.e above-, rl.a.t;e, At the City C)fL'.3_ce. 'Whose pr'esen,s vre-re lv(ayor l3aTley, Cr)uricjl irreri STp)?Asitt,, Cooper, Jolinsora, Acker and Peri:ay. The Cora ca.l, had. r.s the' guest tTrc7 ;rai"it Lern_crr from the l'e ts l'oirer° [and 1 . ;ht (%oq q e lv ® Stringer and lvlr?. Lynn. 17r Str n7;er' asks d. 'tl e co afcz7h.f I;lr.r ;; Uroi lad c on.r.I_der se l link; the V 17-ey Va.ew distr?,Ibut on sys terir to the-I.,v corioarr Ca sci • i.ora. tJas g;),Ven on the qu.estzon and the council-J. wfls to t,:i 1e l rf`r ?t:0 1_n r-'r t -1:1,0V f1_ ns"w(_).' '1 Cl about kwo week's:, T:):iscixss.:i_on r.is fl.i. ren. on -the llioiaer pla.i7t a i.r_l. i.ts onert .t ,on. ,,nd the-,' open=at or's a.t the p1_a.nt. Acker ma.dc arnota_on, ser,oridecl. by S1,a att to contract Mr. Permebaker aird. see of , ol.zld l.r.o7r1 a, sehoo .,, for the operai;ors at the n pltiarrt to tea0,1i. 1;h0iiii lT-iow to operate the engines crL Uto ipla,nt arid: sre how rrl_Lacli 1io rPfoul_d charge the City :or lth&s ser'vvi_ceP/1otlor:r rarr.i.ed® Chi.s schooln would be. lirperal lve _ or the throe oT)er. a.tovs attend. -thc sr;l'iool was to hel(I for several, rughts or LLYitil Mr. T'ennei alser l,r:ioiiP;l7l: th.e opear a,tAors 7a.rad.or; i;ood tlae o(jerrii _i.or)s of the e')-gAT, rles Ph0, rnoantlA b i_eL l_s totali 2 . ; 'Ph, 9.58® ; iras r.'ead and 7 ip.roved. 1 ciri'1 t ora_per seconder, b l?er':r:y io pa,y the bi.1_l sg T ot1ori. car'r3.ed® A ooti- oilby Coopex) to buy six borids of dthe 1 9.5h l ss)uo f r orn. P'bo Southijest Co® that tl iey d _d not sell, Also to trans:r'er the ) 750.00 from the HeveiT-rue SAi.i](ane, 1.+land of the rank to -i;he L A ht P and, and to ti ai2s.f,'er ` >I.,C)()0.(10 . ore the V 11_ley V Tew rer-d- oria.7 V;arak to the L Lt ht rued to pa.y P ore the the s..]..x bonds and tn.i,erest that vul..1. be daie This moti.on., i-r<i.s sleconded by eloh_nson, motion carr:_ed® Cciia:cic_.7., Ln_('orrriecl tli.e secretra.-r>y t;o send, 'r,Vx i<.-i.rn.l el lb G i.n. Coy b11.1..s i;nat are n.oir del.T r(1i.aent to Ivir, Cri_f tln. ra.t (>licrma.ri, l-'c>: s.s or ToayrrrerTt of thesebills. A trrot- orr b;y Jolinso:n seconded bA i err';y to pLi.i, a rnetrr on the, Ci r2 ra.t Sanc,er and t."ra.r,n. to ;Sr t;he r'enu.l ar' i'r r or e - corinec't _an arirl ser ri.r e® lVI0,(jI ca,ra r.e(I a(='Ci" 'l;a.Y',y waKXHRHR sc+ ,1_"Ven ( F_'J''iTl.r. S].. :>l:"r. -to-toj ;et sOirlef)1'2.e _ he t;o hel,p rrrr ke oi 't th.c rec;ei.pts t'or tlfi.e VI 951.1, taxi s® l fo furtherl iu;,iness rriec tinz; a.djourrrecl