12/06/1954-CC-Minutes-Regular ecemb€;r O, 19 h The City Council net in regular session on the above date those presents were Mayor J3ailey, Councilmen, Cooper, ferry, pratlt, Johnson, Land Acker. totaledihe monthly bIlls were read and 42,076.13. bills were ,Cooper seconded Johnson to pay ^ bills, motion acrossIILIZ ?unning electric, ,-ty to his place • tracks )n the Pilot Point highway,. The council decided to run a . t :%lectricity to him and to run 100 ft. of water line from thecity's main line and he was to take the water from there on. icussion was gi ren on running sewer to the fi _l.ing station on the north end of town, but decided not to, but the owner could put in a septic tank if he put it in according to specifications that would be f X furnished by Mr® Landers® decidedoythe Methodist church south to Charlie Haskins place. The council . do If the property owners would take of setting the fences back and other details. And the city would scrape It off *hth the City's Maintainer, but that is all the city would 'do. The co ,ncil derided not to put file in the ditch in :i'ront of the trailor camp® Iany .one using ,this lot wanted to they could,;t*but not at the edi_ty► w expense. 7the tracks of the railroad to run water thru was discussed and voted on. This resolution was agreed,on and to pay - for No further business meeting adiourned®