01/03/1955-CC-Minutes-Regular0 January 3, 1955 The City council met in regular session with Councilrraen Acker, Cooper, Johnson, Spratt,a nd Ferry presents, Mayor :bailey presideing® Nir® Pennebaker gave a detailed diQ% CIA siWAX WILL buing a cooling tower at the plant. motionip plans for the new tower and the incaterial to be used In t ' ower, seconded by Johnson,,, : space • _ the east side o. 3rd street Strebts for parallel Carter was to inform the public people for a while of this type'of parking* Motion earriede .qO PARKING zone 'along 5th street between Bolivar and Elm streets abouton the east side of 5th F di stance betwoen north3olivar and Elm, this being the of ?ARKING signs was to be put aff marking this NO PARK,1NG zone Detween the hours of 6:00 P.M. and R'motion w Carter was to enforcethis , the morathl.y bills total:i.ng ,lql®3U was read arad approved® k motion by Cooper, seconded by Perry to pay these bills, motion carried® recreation • get more Informat! on ab out this new building to be erectod,, services.. and also Mr. Howard. Also decided toextend the electric service across the tracks to serve a house that has Deen erected just south of the Colored Babtist church. The secretary was to write the Texas League of Municipalities about inf orma iora, c®cernix .g taming tkae a:rm equipmer .t off' Mr® H® h® Schertz® No further business meeting adjourned® 'Iay orb S ore a ry