01/19/1955-CC-Minutes-Regular inuar°y 19, 1955 cuhe Uity Uou.ncil met in regular session on the above date with Mayor Bailey and Councilmen Acker, Cooper, perry, and Pratt present® isc : ssion was gi r n on the ® Stan.fords loaded with post by the highway, a road. hazard the highway® park in.g of the trues of on the e t side of the park it causes with people crossing e Mayor was to 0Ge er about placing the `glow school Crossing" signs out each xrimrih&ng and. bakeing .t1hem down each afternoor after school, on the higwaym A. motio . . y pra.tt, seconded by Cooper to h: re I rrr a a Barris to assess City Ta, os for t die yaor 1955,, motion carried® : c v.icArr Key t;Jc r :r, seeond d by cl er for the ;i-ty to buy what, s zb and number of light poles that i enl(,, needed, lotion r, arried® A motion by Cooper i d seconded by perry for the City to 51ve 25.00 to the Polio Foundation drive, wotion carried. . rrloti on b",Y c e:r arid. seco aded by r ratt ' ;o ;i ve V_ .r il rower au Valley view a ; s " 3 _ , ,®OCâ–º a mont i ai e in salary, rrzake3 ng hIs salary each month total 20®00,, motion carried® A motion by Cooper "c,o transfer , ,000®00 frorr the Valley View 1Vation.al Dank to the Lip;ht Pund at. the Sanger B nl., motion seconded key cl er, motior, carried.® :0i0c11ssior was gi ren about the corlstruc4-% oar f anew City 1ial u. Ldirr0 on the G ty lot across the street frra r the present City Mall® No further bus:i_ness meeting adjourned.