02/07/1955-CC-Minutes-RegularFebruary 7, 1955 The City Council meet in regular session on the above date those presents were Mayor Bailey, Councilmen Jobnson, Cooper, The monthly bills totaling gptD,,)O a 9I was read and. approved, a motion by Cooper, seconded by Johnson to pay the balls, motion carriers.. discussion was given CAOW KEITH TO REWORK SOME of the distribution lines in the City of Sanger and also so work to be done on` the Valley View Lin r('he council decided to get some paint and rcpai_nt i: he Isig ,;nterprise Eingih.e at 'the plant® motionBY JOHNSON seconded by Cooper for the ADOPTION OF AN an election ordinance, for the purpose of calling and election to be held on the 1st Tuesday in April, same being; the 5th of April 1955, caused by the expiration of the, terms of Mayor Bailey, and Councilmen Cooper,Spratt, and Perry ® Also included In th e motion. that %' I162Be appointed as election judge. Motion carried® TII , ( 3i7T. MCJ+ it:I ;ApS ORDINANCE AN ELECTION IS HEREBY CALLED TO BE HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF THE CITY OF SANGER ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL 155, SAME BEING THE 5TH DAY OF ARPIL 1955 election must have, the-, namessubmitted. totbe City Secretary on or before March 5th of 1955. This notice is to be r,ln :In the local, paper® A motion by Cooper, seconded by Johnson to pass axl ord.l_ance proi .ibiting thc seeing of magazines day salesrrren livinsr ou.t,si..dd the City of Sanger, this has reference to house; to house salesmen employed by Any Literary League or lw,itevary Company. Violation of this ©rd.iance is subject to a fine® This ordiance was passed by the council on the above date® t\110 .forth< 1 business mertinF; adjourned. P l yor L'ec 'tar