02/23/1955-CC-Minutes-Regular' Ct. [ly uouaa.c t..l met 1 ar regular secs ,oi oxa tho above dato t;laoso pre t c a.a ,s were Mayors Ba:klcayf Gourac i lrnaeaa Ackera Perry', Spratt P ind. Cocaper® Ntr Scog ;`a_.ra.es cta.a_ef exrgLraoex at Uhe l,larrb mob wtAAa. Lhr coot a.cil t;olllog tl:aerra about, the need of a water p`urrrp at the pLanta to pump tboo water into tho over heal tank. '0 lotlora by Cooper for the secre;t:;ar y to cCAI .1 sc; %era.l of the Companies th(rA Bell aurraprs `aaa.d. get bids on a pump about the. stye ofthe presant one raow at the -plant ''Gba-c will pump a,pp:ro .1ruate l.y L5,,000 to 20,000 gad ; of watery an hour. MotiLorr secoPdod by pratt, rmotion carried® l scussLaaa was g:Lve;aa °ora. the posslt %:Li'ty o " roworki, ta.e present City Of.(loe® `Y),o Secretary was to draw Up sorme; plca.ns cat' this work for the c©u.'ac ill. l o i'urtlier i>us:La ress rrreetrag ad, oux racd® `C'he Gity Courrc l rnet i.n rega'ilax, se s_i.ora oxa. the a.kx rave date t l aose; pro .e;ra.tw> t rc;a>e Ma; or a . .cyf Counc. Lwtrracra . lkcer, Coopc:r°f prattf Job.nson, arad :terry® The Council had as W.c.Lr guest, 1'/Ir Ponraebaker and ) r Cli natl and PIrl. 114CKee frmi McDonald and Go. t"irL f%iraaU game a di.scaa.ar>:Lora on cea rtr.i'a:tf,al paarrrp :I'or the _ l:aJ_arat to t. urrrf wat;c.x out; o' i,he rc;scxb ro.i.re co i 1s The Couxac11 'booked 1111Go the tha.°c,e, propose for and J,G WI S d i s c u,s e d by Mr ® P e nn e b ak e r3 ® ' _ ra. t; t m..a d. e a rrzo,c 1 0:u to look Into the tao8sa_bL:l,1. W.es, of a_xastall ng a tr,rrtaa._rae pl_rrnp for thi's oper. at,t.oxa® Mr® Penebak:er was to br:frag 9so thesy >ecreta.ra speelfLcations onthis'type purrrp a.ra.c . to ask "'caer bids On 11Lr lautt p. Lh rmontJa:L,y bills toot al.ira.g %'k6,q'(T1—T was read r.nd ca.r)p:r,oved. A motion by pr°a ct to pay the seconded by ferry, rnota_o:ra ear:ra.1,c)d. r,tLaaa by a tarrs.tt f raccorrd.ect by (;Doper to kaa.ay the gc,a.r rain i can f'or Vho rmoters at; t;ra.e plar7.t . o:r hr d.i1 'c;:r°c .ra- t awr: . <. rad have. therm. Installed arid f.f e meters read each d.ay by th.e ra1_ant. persoranel, Mott ora c apriod. A f:l_xucial statomi ent was to be ruts In the pal_ac;r troora as could be gotten up®