03/07/1955-CC-Minutes-Regular`L'Yre City Cor,)nc:l_:L rrreL r) xae).iIf) r> :;e;t-on an .the a.txri)ve cla to those f)ro4;ews wcz r> f lrryor Saa.J,e;y', %our)c.7.rnclr ll cer, (acar perb, f pratt, Jolr sx)r)., and, :Ferry® The Gour-).c I I had as f,}).w.rc° gi,tc„A f`/fr$ Penneba.ker° Arid Mr C natl and Ytvl M(Aee I'mam McDonald. arid. Go. 11lr''1 C3.natL La.ire a d.ascusc;"L.or:i era a centr'i'uf; ):ln turrrp 'or Ghe _ plVarrt to pu_rnp water out.; o :' ,}ate re ;eravotr to f,h.c o ic;.ralrc- :)<t i;ar) ® The Council looked. Int.-o the thr oo pxac)pos )'OV-t)urnt)s and :t.t t-ts dLscr).s ed by Mr. Penn.ebaker, J rw.tt t)).ad.e a rrrotLon to :Look :f.rrto the-oossib)i.I..lties of LnsLalla.ng a ti.1:raba.11e PIAMT for thi..s of)c;rati.on® Mr6 Ponnebaker was to brling to the ;scerjeta:ry s-peelf catiox).s on this type pump and to ask Fore bld.s orr tt)ls puxAp® 'At rrrort.tibl bills atal_g6,9yl.was road °nd ar)-pr:ovod. T motion. fey d praf t to pGa.y 'rb.e) 1_>.t_f::l..), )c,r c)ridc d bar 1'err ay, rnot°io:ca c,a,vr10,d. pt,Ion by >prea. t, sec,orrct.cd by (;oopc;r= tok))ay %he gear r"afa cx )a oI'° th.e Y.rrE;tC 'S at the pl-arlt% .['O1' l% [,).i`) d. r L'f;:C'e:r2'l: d(7'in711 LlnC h23.V thertr .liilsba l_ed and, tre rrretc.:rs :read each day by w.0 r).Lan't pertiorir)e:ln lvlot:L o:r) carried. A fix).a elal s f)at(- rAm,e nt was to be run. l n the papc;r= ac; soon a.s could. be gotte.rr up, Mayorj ay