04/12/1955-CC-Minutes-SpecialAPRIL 12, 1955 MAYOR WILSON AND COUNCILMEN SEELY WERE SWORN IN REPORT THE CONDITION OF VALLEY VIEW POWER LINE APPOINTMENT TO CANVASS BALLOTS FROM THE APRIL 5, 1955 ELECTION COOPER, SPRATT, AND SEELY AND MAYOR WILSON ELECTED ROSS ANDER IN CHARGE OF ALL OUTSIDE WORK MOTION TO RELOCATE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OUTSIDE CITY OFFICES The City Council . «c: :<ar session on 2:■ &■■»» date ?host presents were M,yo-©:<,». Councilmen ~,■:®» 2♦» -o . 3pratt,, Seely,and Acker. he Minutes ,: the ,-e-<o.. meeting itore <e=k and _provedanproved ,* the council. r!*114 : <a ■ !C4111Ia ^00 + »!_ ,» 11911V » il ■.®:: the secretary ,:,>_ them into #_. _,.>.,. : < +? ValleyND the V.,> power line and attitude of the ..,,l_ of Valley Viewl..:. thhir electric situation. was discussed by the councill . committee consisting ,: Acker and Johnson was appointed by the »!*,. ., canvass the ballots of the Election that ««. held ,n April 5x The■J^ai reported the ballot: t, ,e correct Mir Cooper, Spratt, and Seely, and 2!*a° Wilson was dully elected ., the position ,: :§.,, and C .. men °,© the it of Sang :,« . . , of Apr •.< 2h> :omm_® was discharged, ah,;®ht and approval. Ross Anderson was charge ,z . . ,.# .<!» .. !d. outside «■?% to be lone by the City. Mr Anderson accepted this p,.°<<,<, «nv Flutgoing ~!*,. anct :» • <v2 &»*:.! .. a.: a ,«! t<-=< ■- 2: ©,.*-» - ,<_ `. #» .!o A. -:l—» <_! I to I L 70C tj -TF &: III _ 11 _ * 41. ?.■_ ,v °; ,<- aA with the Council .t,...! night that being +,-° <|.«<< ° w !_© .- < -_, ?<£<«!» a.!!4<,»- «« ■«°-® :! «° w<■+ -,/ running through the City. - - a°- .:# »_!<»_« .. a.« _! <»! ■^ _ ®- -! © «, © t IF I Discussion Co <!- . ,.>. .n the status ,: the a..,«»t . . , =»k - jjolI Ulf „ / : ., »__. ..# §,.. .. night that being April|. 1955 ., discuss this further* - A motion by Johnsonp secan,e, by <,»■tt to ask the Justice of .. .. $.< the Peace to ^:.; him »:.»ha ,2lca .:t,i<. :c- for his office motion carried. !°: us,i,n< „ !:*«» ,n 2<4 °`°ae< <,©» about the City each g (Obntinued from Page 135) A bill on the repair of the transformer that were damaged on the Valley View Power Line during the storm was presented to the council to be paid so as to save the discount on this billl A motion by Spratt, seconded by Cooper to pay this All to save the discount, motion carried. A motion by Spratt, seconded by Johnson to destroy the blank checks that were signed by H. Be Bailey former Mayor, motion carried.. No further business motionwas made to adjourn. April 18, 1955 The City Council met in regular session on the shove date those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker$ Johnson, Cooper, Seely, and Spratt. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The time for meeting was changed to 7s30 P.M. instead of 7l00 P. M. .A suggestion by Seely to move the J.P. office to the east-' side of the store room, the City was to fix this up for the J°P. A motion by Johnson, seconded by Acker .for the City to accept. Mr. Seely idea, the Secretary was to see that this was done. Motion c arr ied. Mr. Scoggins was called in and discussion was given on Mr'. Scoggins takeing charge of the plant and what needed to be done there Mr. Scoggins would have power to have this done on his own. The Santa Fe well was discussed with Mr. Scoggins about putting s Sub®Mersible pump on the well and taking the old .pump and keeping it .for parts to be used on the City Well which has the same kind of a pump on it. By doing this water could be pumped into the mains and what the mains did not ,take would go into the overhead storage tank. Mr. Elliot was to be contacted and get his ideas about type and kind of pump that it would take to do this. Also Mr. Elliott was to be consulted about the voltage regulator that was put on the new engine tha t-was installed and--also-to find out what kind of transformer tacks that Denton uses on bid transformers like the one we use on Valley View Line. Mr$`Scoggins would see about the well at least once a week after his regular working hours, and the employees would not have to leave the plant for no reason, also the city would get some one to keep the lawn at the plant so the employees could put their full time