05/02/1955-CC-Minutes-Regularo The City Uouncil met in regular session on the above date. rhose presents were Mayor Wilson., Colincilmen Cooper., Adcer.,. Johnson, •ratt, and, Seely,, Guest Mr. Elliott. The Santa Fe well andpump for the well was discussed aith Mr. Elliott. The City is going to pull the pump out of the well t s - y just how • • a xx1rpa, • • • Elliottrhe Mr. going • make some • • to the copnei after he hasseen thepump. • • • -t• •• • -• Al • • • • li :: • • • • c a carried.k-motion by Johnson, seconded by Cooper to pay the bills, motion A motion by • • • d• by -- tohave the Transformer )tthe Valley View Sub Station oil filtered or replaced with iew oil if better. Motion Discussion was given on a letter received from some 12 citizens of Valley V11®w. Plans were made for the Mayor and the Council to go to Valley View and tale with 'these ineri about their electrical problcmkris. commissioners, ftenry Cooper and Art Selly as Water and Sewer commissioners,, and Henry Cooper as.Street commissioner, E. M. Acker was apDointed as Mayor Pro Tem. Alvin Brown was nade Fire Chief, R. L. King Fire Marshalls and Dr. J. Me Sullivan as City Health Offiei9r. M. PeaboUy was appointed as City Judge, Discussionwas given on the some way to Aim. rid of the dogs and hogs in the City limits. That run loose or cause a smell to thier neighbors`., The Msy or was to tell Mrs Hugh porter to move the bricks out of the ditch, and off ofthe street behind Mr. W. Be Chambers house. iot been paid f or the engine. Flo furlbher business mepting adjourned. M6y or e r t