05/05/1952-CC-Minutes-RegularMay 5' 1952 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the council, Dr. J. S. Stubbs met with the counnil to discuss his personal tax.XXKKXXXY After much discussion, • t•: a motionto accppt• :: payment Pull on personal • • Acker seconed the motion,• • Sangercarried. It was agreed on by the Council to discontinue the City Ad in the • business'Cooper made a motion to get 20 per foot for the 3 inch used pipe at the plant. Johnson seconed the mbtion. Motmlon carried. The Bills were read. Acker made a motion to pajr all bills. Cooper seconed it. Motion carried. With no fathur to attend to Cooper made a motionto adjurn. seconed It Motion carried. See* 'C